Home, Sweet Home

Dear friends of Cave Paper,

I'm writing with a few updates — some big news for Cave Paper, and some temporary changes to business as usual.

First, we bought a building!! Cave Paper is finally going to have a permanent home. The new location is about a mile from our current space in Tucson, a much shorter trip than the move from Minneapolis three years ago. Of course, there is a lot of work to be done in the next few months. I’m looking forward to sharing updates of our progress along the way!

With the project of relocating comes a natural and necessary moment to take a step back and thoughtfully move into the next phase. I am grateful to have this opportunity to examine our business practices and production flow, and also to work on restoring a healthier work/life balance to my own life.

With all this in mind, I will be closing Cave’s web store starting on Monday 2/27 to prioritize catching up with existing orders and preparing for our move. If you place an order between now and Monday, please know that it will take quite a while to ship. If you want to get on the waitlist for any of our papers, you will be able to do so through the shop starting on Monday, as well. I plan to re-open at the end of summer/early fall and will continue to (selectively) take on larger production orders over the next several months as well. You can also find our papers with our long-time retailers, Talas and Hiromi Paper :)

Thank you for your incredible patience and support as I've been learning (and continue to learn) how to manage Cave Paper. I would not be able to do any of this without the generosity and grace of others. While the next few months may be bumpy, the future is looking bright! Please be in touch with any questions or concerns as we go into this transition, and I will keep you updated on our progress!


Progress Update: Moving Cave Paper


Cave Paper, 2022 SESBA Winner!